Witch Wardrobe. No Lion.


Haven't Got A Thing To Wear?

So you don't have all the time in the world to put together an outfit from scratch? And you think you don't have anything new to wear but the same tired things you've been trotting around in for decades? Though I'm sure there are people who barely have enough clothes to go out and not get arrested for indecent exposure, most women I know have enough clothes to dress a small army. They just don't know what to do with them.

So I made this page of quickie tips so you could get excited about wearing things you already have and freshen up your look without spending very much cash if any.

Idea #1 Beaded Headband or Necklace

Take a skinny scarf or strip of fabric that is big enough to go around your head and tie a knot.  Find a beaded necklace in your stash that is long enough to go 3/4 of the way down the scarf or more. It's easier to tie the knot if the beads don't go all the way to the end.

Lay the beads down the scarf and twist it all together like a rope. Tie a temporary knot at each end to secure the strand of beads to the fabric. Tie it around your head or neck. Knot the ends. 

When you are done wearing it you can take it apart, and still have a necklace and scarf without destroying either one.

Or if you really like it you can always leave it attached. This is a great use for necklaces that no longer have a working clasp. Try it with faux pearls too.

As a Necklace
Beads and Scarf
Twisted together